Friday, October 2, 2015



Material bulb:
1/2 kg of beef that has been milled.
100 grams of starch.
50 gram ice cubes.
1/4 kg of garlic mashed.
1 egg.
1 teaspoon white pepper powder.
  Kuah material Meatballs:
3 liters of water (for sauce).
1/4 kg of garlic puree.
1 piece balungan / cow leg bones so that the broth is savory sauce.
2 tablespoons of salt.
1 teaspoon nutmeg.
1 tablespoon sugar.
1 teaspoon white pepper powder.
Supplementary material:
Vermicelli that has been boiled
Ketchup and soy sauce
Fried onions
Celery leaves to taste

How to create a blog

How to create a blog

How to create a blog

How to create a blog in 5 minutes free for personal business or indeed can be done by using a variety of platforms such as wordpress, blogger, weebly,, and a variety of other free web development platform. Of course we must be smart in choosing media blog manufacture sophisticated and has many advantages.

Each platform has a variety of options and features that are different from each other platforms. On this occasion we will discuss how to create a blog on the most popular platforms are To create a blog on blogger make sure you have an email address in, if you do not have this email address please learn how to create a gmail email in just a few minutes. Here are the stages and how to create a blog in minutes.

Yellow Rice Recipe

                                                         Yellow Rice Recipe

Yellow rice with a variety of additional or complementary like sambal fried, sliced omelet, stir-fried long beans and fried chicken is usually pretty easy to find in the morning for breakfast. Indeed, the process takes time but is comparable to taste :) Those who were looking for yellow rice recipe, here we present how to make yellow rice can also be used as yellow rice cone.

1 kilogram of choice fluffier rice, wash
200 grams of glutinous rice, wash
1 liter of coconut milk
Sufficient water to soak rice

Yellow Rice Seasoning
2 knuckle turmeric or can also use 2 spoons of turmeric powder
3 lime leaves, remove the leaves bones
2 stalks lemongrass crushed
2 bay leaves
2 sedok eating lime juice
salt to taste

sliced Cucumbers
Sambal goreng tempe, if any
sambal Plow
Omelet, sliced lengthwise

Friday, September 18, 2015

Delicious recipe rice Pecel

At the time before serving, you can also make it with the people closest to you. It is intended that the atmosphere of joy when cooking continues there to pep up your cooking delicious dishes in this one. To improve the quality of the end result you will also be able to improvise to beautify the look of this dish menu presentation, according to what you desire. The following menu typical dishes this one's for you.
Delicious recipe rice Pecel
In order to not get bored with the breakfast menu that's it you can present pecel loaded with vegetables as the breakfast menu you healthy. The rice is served with boiled vegetables and sprinkled with peanut sauce will feel more complete with a dent or jerked.

Ingredients / spices:

2 bunches of spinach, dipetiki, boiled, drained
5 long bean stalk, cut into 3cm, boiled, drained
100 grams of bean sprouts, boiled, drained
50 grams of banana china
Seasoning Pecel:

250 grams of peanut skins, fried
1 tablespoon water 1 teaspoon of sour tamarind dissolved in 2 tablespoons water
450 ml of hot water
Ground spices:

4 pieces of curly red chili, braised
6 pieces of red chili sauce, boiled
6 lime leaves, discarded bones leaves
4 cm kencur
4 cloves garlic, fried
1 teaspoon shrimp paste, fried
1/2 tablespoon salt
75 grams of brown sugar, finely combed
Supplementary material:

White rice
5 pieces of peanut brittle nut
How to make:

Pecel seasoning, crushed peanuts together with the spices. Add tamarind water and hot water.
Stir until well blended.
Arrange on a plate, spinach, beans, and bean sprouts. Sprinkle with herbs pecel. Sprinkle with banana china.
Pecel Serve with rice and beans peanut brittle.
To 5 servings

Friday, September 11, 2015

How to make Fried Rice

Cara membuat nasi goreng dalam Bahasa Inggris dan Bahasa Indonesia
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Fried Rice is Indonesia traditional food. It is very popular food. It is easy to make it. It doesn't take too long time to make. The ingredients are easy to get.

How to make Fried Rice? The following is the procedure text how to make fried rice.

  • 2 cloves of Garlic
  • 2 onions cut into small pieces
  • 1 table spoon of vegetable oil
  • a plate of rice
  • some salt
Steps how to make it
  • First, pound garlic and 2 pinches of salt.
  • Second, heat vegetable oil on a frying pan.
  • Third, put the pounded garlic and salt, and onions into the hot vegetable oil. Fry them a while.
  • Fourth, put one plate of rice. Fry and mix them around 3 menit.
  • Fifth, add two pinches of salt. Continue frying until the rice is hot enough.
  • Finally, put the fried rice on a plate. Serve with a sunny-side up.